17th Annual
17th Annual
17th Annual

US, MENA, Europe, India
This "Best Paper Award" assesses the top scholarly security research from the previous year. The focus of this competition is on research that has a practical impact. With eligibility limited to already published papers or camera-ready papers, CSAW has a reputation for drawing some of the best security research worldwide.

2023 final judges

2023 US-Canada Program Committee
Committee members who serve as the Qualification Round Judges are listed in alphabetical order by last name. This list is not exhaustive of all committee members. We are grateful for the support of our reviewers, many of whom have been involved in supporting CSAW competitions in previous years.
Brandon Reagen (NYU)
Chenglu Jin (CWI Amsterdam)
Chris Lamb
Christian Krieg (TU Wien)
Danny Yuxing Huang (New York University)
Devdatta Akhawe (Dropbox)
Dongpeng Xu (University of New Hampshire)
Erin Avllazagaj (University of Maryland, College Park)
Fan Sang (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Frederico Araujo (IBM Research)
Hammond Pearce (University of New South Wales)
Hossein Siadati (Google Inc.)
Hyungjoon Koo (Sungkyunkwan University)
Iman Hosseini (NYU)
Jafar Haadi Jafarian (University of Colorado Denver)
James Davis (Purdue University)
Jianliang Wu (Purdue University)
Justin Cappos (NYU Tandon School of Engineering)
Kexin Pei (The University of Chicago)
Marc Waldman (Manhattan College, CIS Department)
Maria I. Mera Collantes (New York University)
Marina Moore (NYU)
Markus Jakobsson (Artema Labs)
Maxwell Aliapoulios (New York University)
Mohammed Shayan (New York University)
Nicholas Renner (NYU)
Octavian Suciu (University of Maryland at College Park)
Paul Giura (Polytechnic Institute of NYU)
Ren Ding (Apple)
Rui Qiao (LinkedIn)
Sai Teja Peddinti (Google Inc.)
Santiago Torres-Arias (Purdue University)
Sazzadur Rahaman (University of Arizona)
Sungmin Hong (Texas A&M University)
Tavish Vaidya (Google)
Theofilos Petsios (Columbia University)
Trishank Kuppusamy (Datadog)
Victor van der Veen (Qualcomm)
Xueyang Wang (Intel)
Yiwen Li (Intel)
Yixin Sun (University of Virginia)
Zhihao (Zephyr) Yao (NJIT)
competition organizers
The Applied Research Competition is independently organized and judged by each global region.